Commercial Development Group

Los Angeles World Airports' Commercial Development Group (CDG) is charged with stimulating and promoting economic development and business retention. CDG manages terminal and airfield real estate, cargo warehousing, concessions, ground transportation, parking and leasing at LAX, VNY and Palmdale Land Holdings. CDG is also in charge of economic development, feasibility, valuation and financial planning analyses.

Airline Property and Concession Services
Airline Property and Concession Services is responsible for developing and maintaining client relationships with all LAX tenants, negotiating occupancy agreements with aeronautical and government tenants for space in LAX facilities, managing all concessions relationships, and protecting LAWA's assets.

Business Support and Space Planning
Business Support and Space Planning provides the highest quality support services in the most efficient manner that will support the goals of the Commercial Development Group and ensure an environment of continued improvement, excellence, integrity, professionalism, service, and teamwork.

CDG Financial and Portfolio Management
CDG Financial and Portfolio Management (FPM) provides financial management for CDG including but not limited to budgeting, revenue forecasting, and periodic financial reporting of key areas. In addition FPM provides portfolio management of LAWA's real estate holdings, including but not limited to, resetting rental rates at fair market level, procuring and reviewing appraisal reports, and maintaining database of real estate market data.

Property Services

Negotiates Agreements for airfield and off-airfield City-owned properties at LAX, Van Nuys, and Palmdale Airports. Manage new entrants/assignments and coordinate the relocation process for those tenants impacted by the Midfield Taxiways and Southside Airfield Improvement projects. Administer competitive bids and/or competitive proposals for new development and re-development projects at LAX, Van Nuys and Palmdale Airports. Negotiate agreements with prospective tenants and other entities to lease City-owned property. Analyze environmental reports to estimate their effect on property values. Secure execution of necessary legal documents. Negotiating with prospective tenants and other entities to lease LAWA owned property. Interact with potential tenants to determine needs and requirements; to assess long term plans as they relate to potential leases.

Strategic Commercial Management
Strategic Commercial Management (SCM) maximizes revenue and reduces expenses through innovative operations and contract agreements. In addition, SCM provides contract management, administration, and audit compliance for certain landside agreements and ongoing programs while also emphasizing customer service and complaint resolution.

For more information regarding any of these programs, please select the Contact Us tab. For more information about doing business with LAWA, please select the Current Tenant Information tab.

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