Investor Relations

LAWA Investor Relations

Welcome to the Investor Relations Site for Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA). This site is a convenient source of financial and operating data for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

Financial Statements

LAWA Comprehensive Annual Financial Report-FY 2020

LAX Audited Financial Statements-FY 2020

Bond Ratings

As of 8/4/2021, LAX currently has the following credit ratings and outlooks from Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poor's, respectively:

  • Senior lien debt: AA/Stable, Aa2/Stable, AA-/Stable

  • Subordinate lien debt: AA-/Stable, Aa3/Stable, A+/Stable

Notice of Outlook Change- August 11, 2021

Capital Projects Update

Visit the following websites for updated information on LAWA’s Capital Program:

Bond Issuance Calendar

LAWA sold $879,010,000 in Subordinate Revenue Bonds and Subordinate Refunding Revenue Bonds for LAX on October 6, 2021. The Official Statement for this transaction can be found on this page.

Notice of Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA)

For additional information, please contact the Debt & Treasury Section at 424-646-5285 or
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